In order to respond to all the needs and realities existing in our entire network of entities, it has been necessary to create a permanent and periodic review space adapted to them based on different areas: quality, equality, RGPD and the environment. Involving both technical services and their governance structures.
We understand institutional strengtheningas the creation of a set of scenarios for dialogue and work in a network in which we identify our needs and gaps in order to develop the pertinent organizational measures and plans in order to implement them within our own structures and member entities, with consistency and shared standards.
Ultimately, it is about identifying opportunities for improvement and implementing changes in a coordinated and consistent way. Through working groups, training, advice and technical support to help our member federations in the implementation and dissemination processes.
Our entity maintains an active philosophy of empowerment, action and participation, focused on people, seeking the maximum deployment of individual talent, taking advantage of the impulse of relationships and the transformation of the whole.